Most Discussed Widget with Comment Counter for Blogger

How to display Most Discussed or most commented post list with Comment Counter for Blogger

Generally, a blogger wants to get more page views by all means. For this reason, there are zillions of widgets is creating by blog developers day by day. We have got many popular widgets which can increase our page view. So I have created a widget which is known as Most discussed widget with a comment counter. This widget will work like Popular Posts widget but in a different way. Because Most Discussed widget will display the post which has got more comments. And it will priority-based display the most commented widget in the hierarchy.

most commented widget

This widget will help to increase the discussion or commenting on most commented posts. Your Blog visitors may not aware of what is the hottest post in your Blog or who are talking or expressing an opinion on your specific Blog Post. So this widget will help to identify the most commented posts with a number of comments and new readers can join on the discussion. This is the best widget to show off which posts got the attention of visitors and talk about it. I hope you will like this widget.

Most commented Widget with Comment Counter for Blogger

Step #1: Log in to your Blogger account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step #2: Go to your "Layout" tab.

Step #3: Click on "Add a Gadget" then select "HTML/JavaScript" Widget.

Step #4: Now Copy the below code and paste it in the "HTML/JavaScript" Gadget.

/* Widget by */
#BloggerSpiceMC li,#BloggerSpiceMC ul,#BloggerSpiceMC ul li{margin:0;list-style:none;color:#444;font-family:'Open Sans',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px}
#BloggerSpiceMC ul li{width:90%;position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;background:#fff;margin:3.5px 0;padding:7px 10px 7px 50px;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;transition:all .6s}
#BloggerSpiceMC ul li a{color:#444;font-weight:700;text-decoration:none;transition:all .3s}
#BloggerSpiceMC ul li a:hover,#BloggerSpiceMC ul li:hover a{color:#00AEEF;padding:6px;transition:all .3s}
.BSMC-Count{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;bottom:0;width:40px;height:12px;margin:0;padding:8px 0 8px;background-color:#FFF;color:#666666!important;border:1px solid #666666;text-align:center;vertical-align:-webkit-baseline-middle;transition:all .3s}
#BloggerSpiceMC ul li:hover .BSMC-Count{border:1px solid #00AEEF}
.BSMC-Count:after{content:"";width:0;height:0;border-width:5px 7px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent transparent transparent #333;position:absolute;top:9px;left:100%}

<script type='text/javascript'>
var numPosts=10;
var homePage="";
var postTitlear=new Array();
var postUrlar=new Array();
var postCommentar=new Array();
var totalpost;document.write('<div id="BloggerSpiceMC"><ul>');
function mostDisqus(j){var a=j.feed.entry.length;totalpost=a;
for(var f=0;f<a;f++){
var h=j.feed.entry[f];
var c=h.title.$t;var b;
var g;if(f==j.feed.entry.length){break}
for(var d=0;d<;d++){
for(var d=0;d<;d++){
if([d].rel=="replies"&&[d].type=="text/html"){[d].title.split(" ")[0];}};
for(var f=0;f<numPosts;f++){var e='<li><span class="BSMC-Count">'+postCommentar[f]+'</span><a href="'+postUrlar[f]+'" title="'+postTitlear[f]+'" target="_blank">'+postTitlear[f]+'</a>';
function sortPosts(){function c(d,f){var e=postTitlear[d];
var e=postUrlar[d];
var e=postCommentar[d];
for(var b=0;b<postTitlear.length-1;b++){
for(var a=b+1;a<postTitlear.length;a++){
document.write('<script src="'+homePage+'/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=mostDisqus"><\/script>');
Step #5: Now hit the "Save" button and check the blog for viewing the widget.

  • Replace with your blog address.
  • Change var numPosts=10; digit to display the number of Most Discussed Posts.
Now you will see the most commented post list. The ideal place for placing this widget is in the Blogger sidebar or footer section.