Top 10 AdSense Approval Tricks for New Blogger and Wordpress Blog
You may be thinking......
- How to apply for Google AdSense and actually get approved?
- How to get Google AdSense approval with a new blog?
Interested in learning how to not only apply for Google AdSense but how to actually get approved for the AdSense program?
Recently zillions of webmasters are struggling for getting approval from the AdSense team. The main target is to monetize their website and Blog with AdSense ads.
Because of the high-profit share rating and legit advertisement platform, its demand is very high. One of the hottest products of Google is AdSense. Every day thousands of applications receiving by the AdSense team but most of them are rejected for simple and common reasons. Such as-
- The site doesn’t comply with AdSense terms and services.
- The site hasn’t had a good navigation system and a good layout.
- The site hasn’t had enough content for producing good value for readers.
- The site hasn’t quality content or copied from another website.
The above reasons are the major reasons for getting a rejection from AdSense. And most of the cases in the second review Google AdSense team reject the application. Because when your AdSense application will reject then the Google AdSense team will send you an email like this.

But I have sought out some specific reasons why you are not getting approval from the AdSense team. And those reasons the AdSense team won’t tell you clearly.
I have got my AdSense account approval in 2011 at that time AdSense approval was very easy. You won’t believe that I have got approval from music, videos, and movie downloading site, which clearly violate the Google AdSense terms and conditions. But later I started the Blogging site and used my older AdSense account.
But in 2015 when I tried to get AdSense approval for my wife then I faced several troubles. After applying 8 times they rejected my application and for the 9th time, I got approval from the Google AdSense team. So from my personal experience, I am sharing simple tricks to get approval from the Google AdSense team.
How long does it take to get approval from the AdSense Team?
This is the first required to prepare your site before applying for AdSense. However, there are many articles about AdSense approval within 1 day, or 2 days and believe me those articles are fake. Because before 4 days you won’t able to get approval from AdSense. Whatever your site quality or niche.
While applying for AdSense, 2-step reviews will be done on your site. And 2-step reviews will do 2 separate AdSense teams. So if you get approval from 1st review but in 2nd review, your application will be rejected by the AdSense team.
The first review and approval by the AdSense team will take 12 to 24 hours. And for a second review and final approval AdSense team will take 3 days. So all together 4 days are required to get approval from AdSense.
Prepare your site for AdSense approval
Check out our step-by-step guide for a comprehensive walkthrough. Learn How to get Adsense Account Approved for Blogspot with Little Trick?
Though first, you have to make ready your site for AdSense approval so please do the following thing on your site-
1. Select Proper Niche
This is often confusing for bloggers that which niche is better for blogging. Because both Blogging success and Blogging carrier depend on the appropriate niche. If you choose an inappropriate niche, then your Blog will fail to grow. For choosing an appropriate niche my suggestion is to select a low-competitive niche. Formerly Blogger Tips and Tutorials was a very hot niche. But now millions of websites can be found on it and this niche becomes competitive to get approval from AdSense. Now the most popular niches are -
- Health and beauty
- Internet Marketing
- News Site
- Sports Blog
- Business
- Law
- Technology
- Science Fiction
- Gadget Review
- Mobile Review
- SIM Bonus
- Entrepreneurship
- Travel Blog
- Lifestyle
- Social Media
You can read my other article on 269 Best Blog Niche List That Drive Traffic and Make Money to get a massive niche idea.
Don’t use any prohibited niche that violates Google’s terms and conditions, such as Software, e-book, Movie, Music, and media downloading site, gambling site, adult site, Drugs and sites that violate other’s copyright.
2. Keyword Planner for generating Idea
3. Minimum Posts per tag and Label
So select an appropriate niche from the above and write at least 20 – 30 articles within 1000+ words. Many sites tell you to write 30-40 posts but this is required for broader niche sites. Suppose your site is Sports news. So write 15 articles on Football, Cricket, and any other indoor games.
Remember that create 3 Labels only. If you create more labels then you have to write more articles. So don’t go for a broad niche. And don’t add many images to your posts because the AdSense team won’t like more images inside the post. They like more quality text with proper information.
4. No Third Party Ads or Programs
Before applying for AdSense ads please don’t monetize your site with other third-party ads. Even don’t use any in-text ads like Infolinks, Text-Link-Ads, Text-Link-Brokers, TNX, Linkworth, etc.
Because Google AdSense wants a clean site without any third-party ads. But after getting approval from AdSense then you can use any third-party ads. But in this case, your Google AdSense ad's performance will become poor.
5. Website Color and Responsive Design
This is another most important thing for getting approval from AdSense. If you use high contrast colour on your site then readers may feel a problem in their eyes. So use soft colour which is good for eyes, such as any kind of light blue, green colour.
Your Blog or website designs are also a big factor for Google. Because after getting the first approval from the Google AdSense team you have to add the code on your Blog but at that time AdSense will serve blank ads on your site. After getting second approval ads will start display.
Google wants to place their display ads above the fold, which means at the top position of any website. So after getting the first approval place the ads beside the header section and top of the right sidebar. This will bring more possibility to get approval from AdSense. But for this, your site layout and design should be good for better monetizing with AdSense ads.
In addition, responsive web site got more priority for getting approval because AdSense ads are now responsive. So responsive ads with responsive templates match popery.
6. Mandatory Pages To add to your Blog
This is mandatory for any site to add a Privacy Policy and Disclaimer page. Google AdSense team wants to see this on your Blog. Because through this page you will become more transparent to your Blog readers. Besides this, you must add the Contact us and about us or About Author page and there write your name and address through which will you use the AdSense application. This will prove your identity to Google AdSense. So make sure you have written and added the below pages on your Blog or Website.
7. Have a Top Level Domain (TLD) with Custom Email Address
This is not mandatory to follow but it will increase the chances to get Approval from the AdSense team. Because Google AdSense prefer a Blog and website with Top Level Domain (TLD) with branded logo and clean design. However, your blog readers won’t like to see Google-hosted domains like and also change your Blog favicon thus readers can’t understand that you are using a free-hosted site.
While applying for AdSense, use a custom email address because it will get more attention from the AdSense team. For example email.
8 . Supported Languages
If you fulfil all the above requirements but are applying for AdSense for non-supported language then you won’t able to get approval from the AdSense team. No matter how good is your content quality and length? Simply you will be rejected from the AdSense team due to non-supported language.
Recommended: What Languages does AdSense support?
9. Loading Speed
Google loves a faster site. While reviewing your site by the AdSense team and found that it is taking time to load then there is little chance to get approval. Because if your site takes a long time to load without any ads banner then after adding an ads banner your site will become slower. So take this matter seriously and use simply a fast-loading template.
10. Sitemap
The sitemap is very important for any site because the sitemap help to display the link on the search engine proper way. There are many search engines available over the net and you can submit a sitemap on those search engines. But before that, you must verify your site, Such as verifying your site with Google, Bing, Yandex, etc, and after that Submit your Blog sitemap to the various search engine and webmaster tools
Recommended: Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google, Bing and Yahoo Successfully
Besides of above guidelines, there are some less significant tricks you must follow. Join Alexa for page rank, Connect with various social media sites like Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and StumbleUpon. Make your social media page professional by adding the cover page, logo, description, and site links and share content from your Blog. If possible add some tutorials or videos to your YouTube channel. This will make it more possible to get approval from the AdSense team.
Get Approval from AdSense Team within 4 days
After following the above simple tricks now it’s time to apply for AdSense account approval. And now visit the below link for AdSense signup
After applying for an AdSense account within 24 hours you will get first approval and now generate ad code and add the code to your Blog. Remember to add 2 ad units one is beside of header section and another is top of the sidebar. Within 3 days AdSense team will review your site a second time and after approval, your ads will start displaying on your Blog. At the time of Approval, they will send you an email like the below that they have accepted your AdSense application.
And after getting approval don’t violate any terms and conditions of Google AdSense. Because later your AdSense account may be banned by the Google AdSense team. To know the terms and conditions please visit the below link-
Apnar jodi onno kono legal site thake tahole nicer tutorial er madhdhome AdSense er jonno apply korte parben-
Thank You.
#e74c3c --this is the main color of this theme.
Now visit the below link and generate any color for use in your site.
Thank you. ;)
In case of Apk4bd... now if you complain to Google AdSense about copyright violation then within 3 days his AdSense account will be ban or permanently disable.
Please let me know or email me at
Your blog is the best I've ever met on the net today. Please help me out.
adsense approval trick
AdSense rules and regulation always changeable. I have published this article on 2015 but still valid for present year.
10 Simple Tricks To Get Approval from AdSense within 4 days
I have followed all the procedure and when I applied for adsense they still bounced me. Please I want you to check my site and let me know what I didn't do right. Please help me because I really find your article helpful.
Thank you in advance
AdSense approval for Real Estate website is bit tough. From my point of view your site's homepage look like blank. It doesn't have any content. But Adsense want a site with with homepage content and enough text. But your website homepage is looks like empty.
Another AdSense policy is after applying for AdSense you have to place the ad script above the fold, thus a visitor can view the ad without scrolling the page. So maybe you didn't place the ad on right place.