Top 5 Ways to Earn More Money With Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a logical career choice for anyone wanting to work in IT, it is fascinating to work using cutting edge technology and a lot of businesses are starting to use it, which means that it is a lucrative specialism to have.
The problem is, how do you get started in cloud computing when you do not have any experience? Most jobs, even entry-level ones, want you to have experience already so how exactly are you supposed to get started?
Luckily, if you are determined, there are a lot of different methods that you could try.
What is Cloud Computing?
The term ‘Cloud Computing' is a service that allows computers to exchange computational power and data over the internet.
Rather than keeping data saved on the computer's hard disk, data is stored on and retrieved from the service provider's cloud network.
In an on-premises model, a business would store all of its data on physical servers that are located on their business premises. They would then have a network of computers connected to these servers which their employees would work on. The network is connected to the servers using physical cables.

In a cloud model, the servers are in a separate location and are accessed by employees over the internet. Often, the servers are maintained by a third-party company, which means that businesses do not have the expense of maintaining servers themselves. It also means that their data is safe if there were an issue at their business premises such as a fire or flood.
Cloud servers are also protected by sophisticated Cybersecurity technology that is constantly being updated, which can mean that it is more secure for businesses to operate in the cloud.
One of the main selling points for operating in the cloud is the ability to quickly change and scale up or scale down depending on the needs of the business.
How Widely Cloud Computing is Being Used?
The cloud computing market was expected to exceed $266 billion by the end of 2020 so it is big business. It is thought that 85% of businesses are already using cloud technology and that this number will only continue to grow.
This means that if you are an IT professional, it makes sense to make a move towards cloud-based technology in order to ensure that your skills are up to date and in demand from employers.
According to StackOverflow
The most popular cloud computing Web Developer jobs are:
- Front-End Web Developer
- Back-End Web Developer
- Full-Stack Web Developer
- Mobile Developer
- Desktop Developer
Top 6 Cloud Service Provider Companies
Here are a few businesses that now use Cloud Services as a primary option.
- Adobe Photoshop CS5 (ADBE) - With $1.63 in total sales, ADBE had a 20 percent increase in revenue last year.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) - It has a 45 percent market share in IaaS around the world. Amazon's online platforms made more than $3 billion in sales last year.
- Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) - Last year the net income of MSFT was $12 Billion.
- GOOG and GOOGL are Google's trademarks - While it only has a 4% market share, it is also one of the top five cloud service providers in the world.
- Oracle - It provides all three services. SaaS, PaaS, and aaS are all terms for software-as-a-service.
- - Salesforce is the most popular CRM software, accounting for 20% of the market.
5 Money-Making Cloud Computing Strategies
There are five ways for businesses, vendors, and service providers to make money from Cloud Computing.
1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Any cloud service company offers this as the most common form of cloud service. It provides consumers with computing facilities, such as virtual machines and other services.
IaaS can offer advice to web providers that provide high-level APIs for developing low-level information such as fundamental network infrastructure, location, data portioning, and security among other things.
Since IaaS is oversaturated in general, specialized IaaS is where vendors can make money. Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is the best example.
2. Software as a Service (SaaS)
SaaS is the most common revenue model in the field of cloud computing. Tiered pricing is the terminology for this pricing strategy. Pricing is influenced by data volumes, resources, modules, and other considerations. The best two examples of SaaS businesses that are making money from this model are and HubSpot.
It aids businesses in establishing long-term relationships with their clients. Users who expect their new business to expand quickly will benefit from SaaS.

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS is the third most successful money-making technique. Vendors provide product developers with a programming framework that includes a toolkit and specifications.
Microsoft Azure and Google App Engine are two excellent examples. Customers would pay a large amount upfront and purchase PaaS for a lifetime. Perpetual License Model is another name for this technique.
4. Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS)
Backend as a Service, or BaaS, is the fourth Cloud computing money-making technique. Vendors can take advantage of Cloud computing for handheld devices such as smartphones.
You will think about your consumers' buying preferences and recommend products from the catalogue for them to purchase.
Since there are very few good mobile cloud service providers on the market, cloud apps are very profitable for businesses.
5. Security as a Service (SECaaS)
The Security as a Service Model (SECaaS) is the last but not least way to make money from cloud computing. Here, a service provider more cost-effectively integrates their security services into a business infrastructure.
When compared to other large companies, the vendor offers subscription-based offerings quite successfully. Antivirus/malware, hacking prevention, authentication, and other security resources are available under SECaaS.
These are the five powerful ways for service providers to make money from Cloud Computing.
How To Make The Transition To A Cloud Career If You Don't Have Any Previous Experience?
Since you're still in the market, whether you're an established IT, industry expert, you're in a great place to gear up and take advantage of the potential. There are several things you can do, regardless of your business expertise, to gain cloud skills and operational experience that employers might need.
1. Choose a useful certification
Getting certified in cloud computing is a good place to start if you want to transition to a cloud computing career, but it is important to make sure that you choose a useful certification.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the three largest cloud companies.
At the moment AWS has the highest market share when it comes to cloud computing, and there is certainly a lot of demand for certified AWS professionals. However, adoption is increasing for Azure and careers in GCP are very lucrative, too.
It is worth doing some research on the types of companies you think you might like to work for, consider which platforms they are using and treat this as market research to help inform your choice.
There are plenty of cloud courses online available, which is great news because you will be able to study alongside your current job. When choosing a course, make sure that you choose one which allows you hands-on experience, because this is where you really learn.
2. Start using your skills
A lot of successful developers share their work on GitHub, and it is a great idea for up and coming developers and architects alike.
By working on GitHub you are gaining more experience, which can only help you. Plus, you will be part of a community that will give you the opportunity to learn from other developers and create relationships with them, too. Having projects on GitHub is also a good way to demonstrate your skills to potential employers before you have any work experience.

3. Teach other people what you are Learning
One of the best ways to solidify your own learning is to teach other people. If you are looking to transition into a cloud career then it is worth finding a way to teach others about what you are learning, whether that is through YouTube, blogging or creating a podcast.
Sharing what you are learning in this way will help to accelerate your own learning, and it will also eventually act as a marketing tool for you. If you can create content that is genuinely helpful to people, this will start to build your reputation as someone who knows what they are talking about which may help to create opportunities for you that you would never have considered.
4. Gaining experience
If you already work in IT, then have a conversation with your boss and make it known that you are interested in learning about cloud technology. See if it is possible for you to be seconded to a cloud project if there is already one ongoing, or if not come up with some proposals for cloud projects that could benefit your company.
If you choose this route, you may even be able to get your employer to contribute towards your certification costs, and you will have solid experience for your CV.
If you are not already working in IT then the route is a little more difficult, but it is absolutely still possible. Once you have learnt enough about cloud computing to start working on it, then a great strategy is to offer to work for free with local businesses on their cloud projects. Think about this as a kind of internship. By working on a project for a company you will gain experience, and you will have a reference to use to apply for paid work. If your end goal is entry into a lucrative career, then this period of unpaid work should more than pay for itself overall.
Another way to gain experience is to join freelancing sites like Fiverr and Upwork as a cloud computing professional. These sites will have a lot of opportunities to work on a variety of different sized projects, so you will be able to choose a project that takes you in the direction that you want to go. You may need to offer to work at a low rate initially as you build your reputation, but if you think of this as an investment it is more than worth it.
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